Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sweet Baby Annabelle

A few weeks ago a friend of mine posted on facebook that the sonography department at Athens Tech needed volunteers for 3D ultrasounds.  I have always wanted to do a 3D ultrasound, so I jumped at the chance.  Sam and I were absolutely amazed at what we were able to see.  Annabelle currently weighs 4lbs 5 oz.  She is on track to be somewhere between 7 and 8 pounds.  Yay!  It looks like Tyler will be the big baby of the family.

Monday, April 25, 2011

It's The Way His Heart Is Made...

Colin has a girlfriend named Abbey. At the tender age of 5, she is convinced she's going to marry Colin. Recently a friend of her mother asked why she loved Colin so much. I'm sure she expected to hear that he was cute or something along those lines. Instead Abbey said, "it's the way God made his heart. It's just so beautiful". I don't think I could even begin to top Abbey's reason for loving Colin. Her sentiments captured who Colin is 100%.

Tonight he almost brought me to tears with his kindness. An employee unexpectedly stopped by to borrow gas money from Sam. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor I had any cash on us. We were both turning our pockets and my purse inside out looking for cash we'd forgotten about when Colin appeared with all of the money he had. All $2 of it. It broke my heart. Sam and I were frustrated that our employee stopped by at 8:30 at night despite the fact that payday wasn't until the next day, yet Colin was willing to give all he had so freely.

Yes Abbey, it's the way God made his heart. It really is beautiful.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Tyler

Tyler was so excited to meet Dora and Diego! I can't believe that it worked out that they were at the zoo on his birthday weekend. We had a hard time getting a good picture because he wanted to talk to them instead of smiling for the cameras. I am so thankful my sweet Colin insisted on taking pictures because the picture the zoo lady took was terrible!

 Sam arranged for pony rides at Tyler's actual party last week.  They were a big hit.  I am always amazed at what my husband can accomplish.  The best part was the ponies were free!
 That's one happy kid!
 Grampa David and Grama brought a snake, an alligator, and a bag of tadpoles to show everyone.
 Hello Mr. Snake!
 We had an Easter egg hunt!

 Tyler unwrapping his Dora fishing pole!  He talked his Daddy into going fishing right after the party to try it out!

 He looks so miserable, doesn't he?

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Tyler Sings

Found this on my computer when I was moving files.  Tyler is right at 2, and this is his take on Jesus Loves Me.  In true Tyler fashion, he adds are few extra words.  Its hilarious!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just a slippin' and a slidin'

I bought this water slide 2 summers ago for like $99 off of  I fully expected to get one summer's worth of use out of it.  Amazingly enough, its still in near perfect condition.  It is the perfect toy to put up on a warm sunny day before the pool opens.  Normally, we use it a lot because non-pregnant I have no problem putting it up by myself.  I don't know how much use it will get this year because now I have to have Sam set it up.   I guess we will see.  Maybe when I get near my due date, I can go down it and see if it will induce labor!  Then again, that might be the last time we ever get to use the slide.  

One little, two little, three little rotten boys...

The other night all of my boys disappeared.  When I finally went looking for them, this is what I found.  Daddy had decided it would be a blast (he was right) to let the boys paint all over the walls in the basement.  This is why Daddy is so much more fun than Mommy.  When I look at this, I see stained clothes waiting to happen and a big mess to clean up.  When Sam looks at this, he sees fun.  I have to admit that it does look like a lot of fun looking back at the pictures.  What makes it even better is that Daddy even cleaned them up afterwards. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

31 Weeks and A Revelation

With each of the boys I can pinpoint exactly when they were conceived. I'm eight/nine weeks away from delivering Annabelle, and I'm still trying to figure out how exactly she got here. I am pretty sure my dear, sweet, mischievous Uncle Ken had a hand in it because I found out about Annabelle shortly after he crossed through the pearly gates of heaven. If you knew my Uncle Ken, you'd understand why I'm sure this was his doing. He was never content unless he was "picking" on someone and making them smile. I'm pretty sure he's up in heaven right now laughing his trademark laugh every time I look at my giant belly, and wonder exactly how that happened.

The question of when it happened still remains. Or at least it did until this afternoon. We had stopped at our biggest customer's house for Sam to set his timer, and the customer asked when we got the minivan. Last time we saw him, I still had the Honda Pilot. Sam said he couldn't remember, and asked me how long we'd had it. As I was rubbing my belly, the answer became perfectly clear. We'd had the van for almost 31 weeks exactly. I remembered because as we were signing the papers, Sam looked at me and said, "now don't you go and get any ideas about filling this thing up". Oddly enough, I found out I was pregnant with Annabelle a few weeks later. So now I'm convinced I got pregnant with Annabelle while sitting in the middle of a used car lot buying a minivan. Turns out you shouldn't tempt God unless you've had a hysterectomy and a vasectomy. Especially if your favorite Uncle, who loves practical jokes, has just found his way into heaven with a lot of extra time on his hands.

-A Memory Made

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If Everything in Life Was This Easy...

I've been a little cranky lately. By a little, I really mean a lot. I feel really bad about it, but I'm not having a lot of success with controlling myself. Constant discomfort and carrying around 20 extra pounds on a daily basis will do that to you. So I've been trying to do special things for each of the kiddos to make up for the fact that the kind, patient, normal mommy they're used to is nowhere to be found. Today I made them Big Brother t-shirts, but I goofed up on one of them. I didn't want to throw it out, and then I remembered I had Diego fabric I'd been meaning to do something with. So I added a little steam and seam and turned my goof up into a best mommy ever moment. The look on Tyler's face was priceless when I handed him his shirt. He instantly stripped his other shirt off and decided he was going to sleep in his new shirt and wear it the next day. Score one point for mommy!

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Monday, April 4, 2011

The After Effects of a Visit From Grama

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hair Bow Holder

I'm pretty sure my hair bow making binge will pretty much guarantee Annabelle will be bald until she's five, but I can't seem to stop myself. Today I made this neat hair bow hanger frame, so if nothing else her little bows will look cute hanging from the wall.

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