Sunday, July 11, 2010

Paybacks a...well you know

Tyler is my payback for everything mean I ever did to my parents.  Here is a small sampling of his exploits this week.

  • He told another mother at the Little Gym that he left his chewing tobacco at home with his dirty work shirt.

  • While we were eating Chinese food, he used his little fingers to slant his eyes back and announced to the entire restaurant, "Hey look at me! I'm a Chinese baby."

  • He asked two men at the pool if they had boobies.  He then told them, "My mommy has boobies, but she won't let me touch them."

  • He peed on the floor of the AT&T store, and when I asked him why he did it, he told me, "Cause I wanted to."

  • While we were waiting at the AT&T store for them to activate Grama's new iphone, he dug around in my purse and started shooting tampon rockets across the store before I could stop him."

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