Monday, June 27, 2011


My mother paid me a wonderful compliment today. She told me, "Rachel I've never seen you look so content. You seem complete". It caught me off guard at first because its been a crazy day. The ATM ate my deposit, the baby has an eye infection, and I'd gotten some frustrating news. Yet, despite all the craziness in my life, I realized how right she is. I can honestly say I feel complete now that Annabelle is here. She's the piece that was missing from our family.

Colin was the beginning. He made all my dreams come true. All I've ever wanted to be was a mother. When I held him in my arms for the first time, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. It was love at first sight. Colin is and has always been my heart. He has the most giving, wonderful soul. He is wise beyond his years. He amazes me with his kindness, his compassion, and his respect for other people. He fills my heart with joy, and I am often humbled by his example.

Tyler is my sunshine on a cloudy day. Spending the day with Tyler is like spending the day with a veteran comedian, who has spent years perfecting his comedic timing. I have no idea where he comes up with half the things he says or where he learns most of the big words he uses. He very rarely misuses a word despite the fact that half of his vocabulary is way to big for a three year old. He is Mr. Optimism and doesn't let other people's ideas of what's possible and impossible stop him. He makes me laugh and smile. He is my happiness.

Annabelle is proof that miracles happen. She is my wish come true. She is contentment, completion, and perfection. The other day Sam told me that he was worried something is wrong with Annabelle because she is to easy, to calm. I just smiled and assured him that nothing is wrong with our baby girl. She is just easy because she is what our family was missing. She's just a perfect fit. She's the final piece of the Linton puzzle.
-A Memory Made

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