Sunday, December 4, 2011

I did it mama!

The other day, Tyler broke the training wheels on his motorcycle. He was doing a "big jump" and landed wrong. Luckily, Tyler didn't get hurt. Sam rushed over thinking Tyler was seriously injured, but he quickly discovered that Tyler was crying because his motorcycle was hurt. This is particularly troublesome in Tyler's eyes because he rides an average of 15 miles a weekend.

The broken training wheel necessitated a decision. Did we buy Tyler a new set of training wheels or did we just teach him to ride without them? This was a hard decision because Sam just took Colin's training wheels off of his motorcycle a few weekends ago despite the fact that he's been riding his regular bike without them for two years. Unfortunately, Tyler and Colin have two different brands of motorcycles so we can't use Colin's on Tyler's bike. In the end we decided to see how Tyler did riding his bike without training wheels and go from there.

Tyler tends to do things his own way, and learning to ride without training wheels was no exception. He refused help from anyone. Instead he rode his bike down a grassy hill using his feet to balance. Then when he had gained enough momentum to balance himself, he'd put his feet on the pedals and take off. I figured it would take a few days for him to experience any kind of real success. It actually took him about 30 minutes before he had a pretty good handle on it. By the end of the afternoon he was riding on the concrete.

My guess it that we won't be needing new training wheels for his motorcycle after all.

This is Tyler's 4th or 5th ride down the hill.

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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